There will always be gaps between generations. It’s a matter of effectively bridging those gaps when you’re sharing your next big idea. I discuss how to do that with my guest, Scott Schilling.

Scott is a master connector, cross generational expert, author, and internationally renowned speaker.



Scott believes bridging generational gaps is important for many reasons, quite frankly because the younger generations are our future. As you start to understand yourself and you live a little bit more, you get a little more mature (that’s code word for older). You start to find out that there are natural generational gaps. If you’ve ever thought “I’m starting to sound like my parents”, it’s probably true. Now that you’re a little bit older you’ve experienced some of the same things that they’ve experienced.

There are several things that have caused generational gaps and gaps in general in our world right now. The good news is recognizing those gaps is the first step to bridging them and pulling things back together.

What do you think causes those generational gaps?

There are some natural gaps between the generations. There always has been gaps over time because of innovation, technology, and things like that. But up until now, in Scott’s era, as a Boomer, those things happened slower than they do today. The availability of technology and knowledge as such happens so fast now that it’s crazy. The other side of it is the advent of the internet. Now we, as a country, started teaching differently. Boomers are really the last full generation to learn via wrote memory.

With the advent of the internet, we’ve stopped teaching wrote memory and started teaching where to find knowledge. On one hand that’s great because we have a lot more access to a lot more information. On the other hand, one could suggest that not every piece of knowledge is true because anyone can post any opinion online.

It’s an attention issue. People’s attention spans are shorter, and it is getting harder to get attention online, but it is possible.

After you get their attention, then what?

The first thing you must realize is that there gaps. Then you must look at what might have caused those gaps and then begin to focus on the solutions, or bridges for those gaps. This often means creating connections and building relationships with people. The one thing that will never go away is the fact that we are human beings. We are supposed to have human experiences. We are social beings; we’re supposed to interact with each other.

Unfortunately, there are recent events that have encouraged people not to be social. All the previously mentioned factors come into play. The first thing you must do is realize different generations have different value to add to conversations and connections. Boomers have knowledge, wisdom, they have experience. They’ve learned it from the school of hard knocks.

When you look at the younger generations what you’ll find is that they’ve got the desire to get the knowledge, the wisdom and the experience; they just don’t want the school of hard knocks.

Bridging that gap is a great place to get started.

In this episode we also dive into topics such as:

  • Why younger generations need to recognize that older generations are amazing assets to knowledge, wisdom, and experience.
  • More ways to build bridges between generational gaps.
  • How to get younger generations interested in seeking out knowledge in new ways.
  • How judgement hinders and even destroys potential generational gap bridges.
  • The roles that respect, honor and dignity play between generations.
  • The messages that resonate most with younger generations.
  • The messages that resonate most with older generations.
  • Common threads of successful generational bridges.
  • Examples of how to start intergenerational conversations.
  • How to create successful mentoring experiences.

…and more golden nuggets of advice!

You can get my book here: “Idea Climbing: How to Create a Support System for Your Next Big Idea

Get the Idea Climbing book here!





About the Guest

Idea Climbing Radio Scott Schilling







Scott Schilling, aka/The Authentic Connector, is also an International Speaker and Trainer, Media Host, Executive Coach, and Consultant, who brings a unique combination of 35+ years of life experience in coaching, sales, marketing and training to corporations, business owners, entrepreneurs and individuals.

He has presented at over 3,000 live events sharing the stage with General Colin Powell, Suze Orman, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Steven Forbes, Tom Hopkins, and many more.

As an Internationally accomplished and entertaining presenter, Scott has spoken to hundreds of thousands of attendees across a range of industries. Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the airwaves, stages, board rooms, podiums, and print.

Scott is a highly sought-after Executive Coach and Business Expert because of the results he produces. His training propelled one client’s business to grow from approximately $8 million annually to almost $100 million in just under six years.

Scott’s Life Purpose is: To Inspire and Empower others to serve humanity through living their life’s purpose in Spirit, Love and Joy!

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Learn more about Scott Schilling

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